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Job Applications: What to Include in Your Email to the Hiring Manager

Lori A. Jazvac

So, you have the résumé and cover letter all polished and ready to go.

...But there’s just one thing. Before you even send your cover letter and résumé...

What should you say in your email to the employer? This procedure of writing a formal email when applying for a job may sound straightforward, but so many job applicants get stumped by this part because it is the very first communication that the employer will see and read.


The email is an important attention-grabbing message to the employer when applying for a job. Remember, it could sway the employer to read your documents or screen them out altogether!


Your goal is to formulate a positive impression and communicate effectively in a way that generates results. While being chosen for a job may be out of your control, by thoughtfully leveraging your unique offerings and showing how you can add value to the organization, you will capture the attention of the employer. The employer will then want to learn more about how you could meet their strategic goals.

Some people write several paragraphs -- while a few brief lines is all it takes to convey a clear message to the employer and achieve your goal.

The email should communicate to the employer what documents you are sending, your unique value in a nutshell, followed by a brief call to action.

It’s that simple.

Remember your goals:

>> You want the job.

>> You want to show that you are the right candidate for the job.

>> You want to meet the employer to demonstrate your fit for the targeted role and how you can meet the strategic objectives of the organization.

>> You want to secure a lucrative job offer.


Here are a few examples of emails sent when applying for a job:

Example #1:

Mr. Rick Simpson

A1 IT Solutions

Etobicoke, ON

RE: Customer Service, Role#CSR3456 - Mae Johnson

Dear Mr. Simpson:

I am interested in applying for the Customer Service role posted on on May the 3rd with A1 IT Solutions. My qualifications and expertise in exceeding customer service targets by at least double in the IT industry align with your criteria.

Please find attached my updated résumé and cover letter for your review.

It would be a pleasure to hear back from you soon to discuss this exciting opportunity.

I will follow-up with you by the end of next week.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


Mae Johnson

Mae Johnson

Customer Service Specialist

416.333.2656 |


Example #2:

Dear Ms. Linda Watson:

RE: Marketing role, ID#3456456, Alma Interiors Inc.

Please accept the attached cover letter and résumé as my application for the Marketing position with Alma Interiors Inc. as recently advertised on your website.

As you will note from my résumé, I have significant experience that is a value-add to the new opening at your facility. My driven attitude, firm work ethic, and creative branding skills could be effectively utilized in this position.

I look forward to your positive response and the opportunity to elaborate how I could meet your organization's strategic objectives.

Thank you in advance for your time and consideration.


John Williams

John Williams, BA

289.526.9999 |


Here are a few tips for emailing your résumé:

1. Address the employer formally in the salutation:

For example: Dear Mr. Simpson:

2. Be specific in the subject line.

For example: Job Title, Reference No. – First Name Last Name

3. Follow the employer’s application instructions:

  • You may be asked to upload your résumé in MS Word, PDF, or even a cut-and-paste-résumé. (Tip: This is why I provide a plain-text résumé!)

  • You may be asked to send an attachment or, in some cases, cut and paste everything in the body of the email. Pay attention to the instructions!

  • Many employers request an e-note rather than a cover letter.

4. Use a professional email address. Avoid unprofessional email addresses such as

5. Keep the email succinct.

6. Be positive.

7. Avoid repeating information content in your cover letter or résumé. Highlight

how you will help the business achieve relevant goals. Use specific numbers,

skills, etc. to show that you’re a stand-out, job candidate.

8. Capture the employer’s attention. Otherwise, the employer will not bother

opening your documents. If you have been referred, please include the referral.

9. Thank the employer for their time and consideration of your application.

10. Thoroughly edit and proofread your email and documents. Use a spell checker.

The Creative Horizons Communications A-B-C-D Method

A – Affirm your goal and focus. Address instructions accurately. Attach your résumé and name your documents appropriately. Add an informative signature with your accurate contact information.

B – Be brief, yet business-like and positive. Don’t boast.

C – Catch the employer’ s attention. Carefully and clearly compose a thoughtful message. Convey your value in a compelling manner.

D – Be direct. Demonstrate your enthusiasm for the role and organization, and to meeting the employer. Doublecheck your email. Always proofread a few times. Send a test message to yourself first for accuracy.


By being concise, direct, and engaging in your communication, the hiring manager will see that you are the appropriate candidate.

Create a message that portrays your brand accurately and encourages the reader to learn more about you and the value that you bring to their company.


Lori Jazvac is an award-winning Master Resume Writer, Career Coach, and Founder of Creative Horizons Communications, a Halton-based holistic career services firm. She positions jobseekers of all fields and levels for their next career transition.

Think creatively and visualize a new career horizon!

For more information about holistic career services, contact Creative Horizons Communications at 905.730.2374 or email

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