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  • Lori A. Jazvac

Why Your New Resume is Top Priority Regardless of Your Career Situation

Just when is the best time to get your résumé re-customized?

Should you postpone the résumé-building process for another few weeks or month or two... or even a year?

...if you have a few interviews lined up soon?

...if you feel "secure" in your current role?

...if you are not currently looking for a new role?

...or even if you have just landed a new promotion and have no reason to worry...?


Would you cancel your heating/air conditioning maintenance plan because you assume that your heating and A/C will work properly all year round?

Would you stop upgrading your home because it's fairly new and you prefer a low-maintenance approach with renovations?


Similarly, investing in a résumé package is really worth DOUBLE THE RETURN ON INVESTMENT -- regardless of where you are in your career -- whether you are planning a career change, seeking a new role, or even thinking of staying in the same role and company for the long haul.

Taking a proactive and holistic approach towards your career is crucial for your success! Your résumé needs to be updated at all times.

“Your résumé is a footprint of your career journey ... a snapshot of your past... a glimpse into your future.

It’s your passport to securing meaningful career opportunities.

My advice: Change could be on the horizon. Always have your résumé ready to go!”

Here are 11 reasons why you need to invest in a new résumé package sooner than later:

1. It's about being proactive with your career growth.

When change strikes, it hits hard and fast. With solid, updated brand marketing collateral at your fingertips, you will be better prepared to tackle that next career move.

Remember, our careers are not always linear, and goals change. Values change. The labour market is constantly in flux and increasing in competition. Technology is always becoming more innovative, calling for retraining. Employers' expectations are increasing. So you need to keep developing and leveraging key marketable skills by forecasting labour market trends and developments, and determining how they could impact your career.

Ever heard that saying by Harvey Mackay: “Dig your well before you’re thirsty"? This means being more proactive with your career in making smart decisions so there are few regrets down the road.

2. Carve out your career map.

Working with a Master Résumé Writer can help you to clarify the vision and goals for your career, both in the short-term and long-term. You will receive new career insights and gain knowledge of where you want to be at present and in the future. This could require carving out an action plan to look for a more growth-driven role or pursuing that promotion.

Think of your résumé as a vital forecasting and planning tool for your career.

3. Gain confidence, greater choice, and a clearer direction.

Many clients comment how much more confident they feel after the 'strategy call' where we discuss their professional experience and achievements in greater detail.

A compelling résumé package will help fuel you with an empowered mindset to tackle challenges. You may uncover important career lessons and share memorable career stories. You may, in fact, gain a greater sense of choice while uncovering what you could do differently this time around in your career. It’s a self-reflective and appreciative learning experience!

4. Refine your brand.

Taking that bold move of having a new, compelling résumé created and investing in career coaching will refine your brand while helping position you as an expert in your chosen field. Whether you are vying for a new promotion or want to pick up a second income, leveraging a new résumé will set you apart from the competition.

5. Acknowledge and celebrate your accomplishments.

The accomplishments are the key piece to a résumé or comparatively, "the main course of the meal." No résumé can shine without your milestones --both qualitative and quantitative. Today's résumés are innovative, yet concise, capturing the attention of the employer in mere seconds.

Working with a Master Résumé Writer / Career Coach will help you to identify and chart out those achievements and, therefore, understand what you have been recognized for and the strategies that you have employed to drive success. You will be able to spot interesting patterns and themes in your career that may prove helpful in planning and making changes in your career development.

6. You will receive double the return on investment.

When you seek career services by an award-winning Master Résumé Writer, you are getting the highest standards of service excellence. In fact, you will receive a double ROI!

The more you delay the résumé-building process, the impacts on your job search can be costly. You will also better understand your career vision and mission, and be aligned with a plan that will help you achieve you confidently approach your next career milestone.

7. Identify gaps in your skills, knowledge, or abilities.

The résumé-building process can be comprehensive, requiring analytical thinking and due diligence. It’s about uncovering strengths, but also scoping areas for improvement. Maybe you have honed your leadership skills this year, but need to enhance your problem solving skills. A new résumé may reveal what you need to work on next towards growth.

8. Receive constructive feedback about your career.

Investing in a new résumé package will help you elicit valuable professional feedback while getting a 360-degree view of your career. You will broaden your perspective about your value and be able to unleash your full potential! Your new résumé package can be utilized as a powerful networking tool that could help you expand your networks and generate exciting job leads and even board leadership opportunities.

9. Impress the employer/interviewer with your new résumé. Increase your chances of securing a lucrative offer.

A new résumé will help you present your best self forward and address those challenging questions in the interview with the employer. Yes, you will also increase your chances of securing a great job offer too! I had a client who recently earned compliments on his new résumé by the employer, which led to securing an interview and a great job offer!

10. Fuel innovative ideas and solutions.

Many clients get many ideas from the résumé-building process that often fuel transformation, self-improvement, and innovation. For instance, some decide that they need to engage in community leadership roles, brush up on a new language, or pilot a key project involving a worthy cause.

11. Gain greater security and peace of mind.

With an updated résumé and having the right brand marketing tools and resources at your disposal, you may recover more efficiently after a downsizing. You may even reduce your stress, knowing that your résumé reflects the best possible brand marketing collateral that differentiates you from the competition.

"Never underestimate the power of how you could leverage your résumé as a unique brand marketing tool to enhance your success!”

For more information about my holistic career services, please contact Lori Jazvac, Master Résumé Writer/Career Consultant at 905.730.2374 or email

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Change could be on the horizon with your career this year! Take the plunge and move forward with a Master-level résumé package.

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