During the month of November, Canadian professionals gather from coast to coast to discuss a central theme that shapes everyone's lives: careers.
Canada Career Month is an initiative proudly sponsored by the Canadian Council for Career Development (3CD) – a self-initiated, self-funded umbrella group for Career Development associations and related partner groups from across Canada.
The theme this year is thought-provoking, yet relevant -- “What’s Next for Canada?” -- when it comes to careers, the labour force, and the economy.

Why is Canada Career Month Significant?
Canada Career Month is significant because it allows for change and insight to propel Canada's labour market and professionals forward. The Canadian Council for Career Development makes Canada Career Month possible with national discussions and events being hosted in local communities to raise awareness about the future of employment in our country.
This initiative involves a nationwide celebration of meaningful work and an inclusive forum for open discussion, reflection and exploration, as well as innovative ideas.
It entails discussing the importance of ongoing career development -- what matters to you concerning your career and career growth?
It fuels relevant action-driven questions -- how can you channel your career goals into a meaningful purpose, brand, and solid action plan for success?
It means celebrating our unique and shared Canadian values -- how can we further promote equity, diversity, a solid work ethic, freedom of discrimination, and collaboration to enhance productivity and morale?
It involves partnering together to uncover effective solutions -- how can we collaboratively address career issues and gaps in career development?
It inspires us to consider how can we do our part to build healthy and positive organizational cultures where all team members are valued, respected, and encouraged to succeed in workplaces?
What's Next on the Canadian Career Front?
It’s a critical time to investing in your career and a time for preparing for transformation in the Canadian labour market. This involves everyone -- all professionals of diverse fields and levels, backgrounds, and walks of life.
So what is next on the Canadian career front? Here are 10 emerging trends.
New careers and pathways are emerging and impacting different industries. Career professionals are in greater demand to support jobseekers undergoing complex career transitions.
The world of work is changing quickly, and we all need to adapt.
Some fields or industries are moving fast forward (engineering, consulting, healthcare, cybersecurity, IT, finance) while others are in flux (retail).
Part-time, freelance, subcontracting, and contract positions are on the rise.
Technology is disrupting traditional industries and changing the way that we work and communicate, while sparking new developments.
Employers are investing in the best qualified talent among stiff competition. This is calling professionals to invest in higher learning, continuous professional development, and marketable skill upgrades.
Workplace flexibility and balance are becoming more important these days as our life choices and transitions shape our career choices.
Millennials are carving out their branded footprint as "entrepreneurs" while baby boomers are continuing to make challenging transitions.
Social media networking is influencing the world of work, job search strategies, and career prospects.
More newcomers are transitioning to Canada and are needing assistance with preparing for career changes or even second careers.
If you're wondering how Canada Career Month impacts your career, your unique value matters to a vast range of employers and organizations seeking talent with your fine combination of skills, strengths, and level of expertise.
We’re all in this together trying to make a larger impact for furthering change and improvement by helping one another. Don't be afraid to ask for help.
Get involved in learning more about what's happening on the Canadian career front and how labour market trends affect your field and industry. It's about asking the neglected career-related questions, doing smart forecasting, and making sound, research-based decisions.
Important Labour Market Trends to Take Note
Part of Canada Career Month involves staying updated with current labour market trends. Here's the latest statistics. The average pay increase for non-unionized employees reports 2.4% according to the latest survey by Canadian HR Reporter.
Canadian HR Reporter indicates a stronger economy with modest salary increases for 2018. Regionally, Manitoba, Ontario, and Quebec forecast projected increases with wage gains ranging from 2.5%-2.6%. The lowest average base pay increases are expected in Alberta and Saskatchewan at 2.1%.
In which industries are projected increases the highest?
Pharmaceutical and chemical products industry at 2.7%.
Increases of 2.6% are projected in the following industries:
Real estate
Retail trade
Personal services sector
Where are the lowest average increases expected?
Health sector––with an average increase of 1.6% in 2018.
HR Trends:
57% of organizations reported challenges recruiting or retaining specific skills, according to the survey of 324 organizations.
Employers in Ontario experienced the most difficulties recruiting or retaining employees with particular skills.
Nearly 48% of organizations indicate challenges in these areas. Industries experiencing the highest attraction and retention challenges include:
Construction (91%)
Communications and Telecommunications (82%)
Wholesale Trade (86%)
Food, Accommodation, Entertainment, and Personal Services (86%)
Which professions are highest in demand?
IT Specialists
Accounting / Finance
Skilled Trades
These five specializations have remained the most in demand for more than a decade. This information is important to know in order to plan ahead, especially if you are pursuing any of these fields, or if your field/industry is closely aligned with these professions.
If you’re planning a partial or full career transition or need brand marketing collateral to get you started on the right foot, contact Creative Horizons Communications -- let’s position you for your next career move.
Let’s discuss your career focus, the values that matter to your career and personal growth, and your milestones. You spend at least 70% of each day at work –– enjoying what you do is vital to your health, career success, and personal satisfaction.
Remember, career development and meaningful careers matter.
Your opinion matters. Your career stories want to be heard.
Tweet #careermonth and join the conversation via Twitter.
It starts with you!