Lori A. Jazvac, MRW

Jul 5, 20204 min

Will You Take The Road Less Travelled?

Updated: Jul 23, 2020

Do you remember that famous poem, The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost?

"Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both.....

Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back....

.....Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference..."

This poem by Robert Frost was published in 1916 as the first poem in the collection. Mountain Interval. This poem is easily remembered reminding us of that pivotal moment when we are faced with a critical choice. It points us to our golden compass when we are facing an impasse in our lives.

These days we are faced with strategic planning and decision-making, yet so much change and uncertainty. And yet we may need to tackle the road less travelled in order to reap the true rewards and to find greater meaning. None of us has a crystal ball to forecast what will happen throughout our career journey. However, we can take ownership by setting clear goals, staying focused, remaining informed with labour market trends/developments, and networking.

The last few lines above spark the thought that we don't always have to take the common road or the "beaten path" as they say for we have CHOICE.

You have CHOICE! The choice to change your thoughts, attitudes, actions, strategies, and behaviours at this moment. The locus of control lies in your own hands. The choice to stand up for your values. The choice to align with your authentic purpose. The choice to be unafraid and finally, the choice to be happy and at peace!

This poem by Robert Frost reminds me of my career transition that I was facing during the 2008 recession, pondering which road to take and being conflicted by two paths. But the universe showed me the way for I decided to take some risks and trust my Higher Self.

The question is: Will you trust your Higher Self to lead you to your sacred path?

Many clients I have spoken with in the recent while don't know. They admit that for them this year so far has been turbulent and they don't know what career move to take or even what personal decisions they need to make. With the global health crisis and remote work becoming more of the norm than a luxury, it seems that career paths are rarely linear, yet are taking on new levels and new meanings.

Therefore, you need to be open and adaptable to any changes that might occur. We often live in this state of bliss naively believing that things are OK for now so we don't make any definitive changes until the signposts start showing up for us. The economy is volatile, there could be closings on the horizon depending upon health concerns, and business prospects can always shift.

Preparedness and self-reliance are the keys to success.

In fact, you could end up working remotely long term and not going back to the office. Your career might propel you to return back to school virtually and prepare for your new career? Alternatively, you might get tired of taking the same road and carve out a new path by starting your own entrepreneurial venture that will drive innovation and change. Often, if you are willing to take the risk and work hard, the rewards will be more fruitful.

Many clients are starting to accept the "new normal" and fully embrace change along with all its pros and cons. The "new normal" at present can be described as working from home on a laptop while watching the kids or carving in some quality family time or fitness in between. It could involve studying online while preparing to make the next career move in a totally different industry. It also means wearing masks when out and practising social distance measures.

Meanwhile, we are uncovering more innovative ways of doing things, navigating technology, and communicating.

I call this year the 'Do-It-Yourself Year' -- the year when everyone's independence and tenacity are being tested. Limited access to resources is enforcing different ways of working, living, relating, learning, doing, thinking, and ultimately, being. We have a wide array of technological platforms from Slack to Zoom, Skype, and so many others to help us maximize our efficiency.

Through this ordeal, we are still achieving our goals, just differently, and perhaps more creatively than ever before. When you think about it, new industries are being unleashed. The home is now a sanctuary for many families. Renovation in the home is central to carving out a welcoming and safe space. The concepts of health and safety have taken a central theme to almost all aspects of our lives enforcing stringent measures with social distancing and mask wearing as part of our daily apparel in public in order to ensure everyone's health/safety.

There is one key pattern this year, and it is uncertainty. We need to not only live through it, but embrace it, go with the flow, and trust that things will work out.

Just be certain about one thing, and that is to understand your value. Honour it. Refine it and seek to improve it. When you know your purpose, you will know the other steps to take, and ultimately, the career road will reveal itself to you along with the choices and options there.
Let your instincts be your anchor.

We are learning that we need to rely on ourselves, our value, our skills and expertise, and drive our purpose forward to make a difference. We need to master new skills to welcome the change in an empowering way.

Clarity starts within. And the universe will let you know if you are on the right or wrong track. Just ask and pay attention to the signs, and don't worry if you get off track. You will need to just get back to gear and remain steady with your vision.

The road less travelled is not an easy one; it involves painstaking hard work, focus, and diligence, but in the long-term you might be more fulfilled and glad that you took this road.

If you are wondering about whether to take the road less travelled, contact Creative Horizons Communications, and let's talk! Whatever choice you make, you have the power to make that choice and shape your career path on a more empowering footing.

Creative Horizons Communications is a one-stop, holistic, and virtual career service firm supporting jobseekers globally to tackle their next career milestone. Let us help you! Email us at: creativehorizonsresumes@gmail.com
